Friday Randomness 4-28-17

I love Friday phrase handwritten on the school blackboard

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  • I’m working on a new redesign of the blog! I’m excited about it and hope that it’ll make posts easier to find around here, especially considering the random range of topics I blog about.


  • We’re planning a birthday get-together for my father-in-law in a few weeks. He’s requested lasagna, which, despite my love of cooking, is one of my LEAST favorite “normal” meals to make. I can never seem to get it to “stand” as a single slice of lasagna after I cut it. As Ken says, there’s nothing not TASTY about a gloopy mess of noodles, marinara sauce, meat, and cheese. It’s just that it’s not very lasagna-y. I’ve tried many different tips, like including eggs in the cheese mixture, overlapping the lasagna noodles when assembling, and letting it stand for an hour after cooking.  Still, big gloopy mess.  So, my upcoming lasagna attempt will incorporate two MORE tips: Using less sauce AND cooking it the day before, refrigerating it after it’s cooked, and then just reheating it the next day.  Fingers crossed!


  • It was SO rainy here in the DC area this week. On the upside, it finally washed off that inch-thick layer of pollen on my car.


  • I bought a new car back in August, and it has adaptive cruise control. We’ve been on a few short road trips with it, and I gotta say, adaptive cruise control is AMAZING. I feel like the driving experience is so much more relaxed since I no longer get annoyed with constantly having to manually readjust my speed when I come upon slower traffic. It’s really a game changer.


  • Ken has been organizing all his family’s old physical photos (he’s already scanned in most of them), and other old paperwork. Some of the paperwork included his grandparents’ naturalization paperwork. Incredible stuff!


  • Any plans for this weekend? The weather forecast says it might be a scorcher!

Have a good weekend!


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