Weekend Randomness 4-11-15 (M.I.A. Edition)

I love Friday phrase handwritten on the school blackboard

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  • My dad has been back in the hospital. You might remember he broke his hip in early February. Well, he had just been released from rehabilitation a few weeks ago and then came down with terrible pneumonia that caused him to be hospitalized again just 10 days later. Within 24 hours of being hospitalized, he was left unable to breathe on his own and was put on a ventilator.  Just Thursday morning, after 9 days of being on a ventilator, he was able to breathe on his own again and was taken off the ventilator. As of right now, he is REALLY disoriented, but doctors say that’s normal since he’s been sedated for so long.  Hopefully he’ll start to become more coherent soon. I miss talking to him!
  • When things like that happen, I tend to become a big ball of worry and neglect things like blogging. I know that’s the opposite of what I should do. I should occupy my mind with hobbies, but I just veg out and descend into unproductive behaviors.
  • I went to Pittsburgh for about five days when my dad’s condition seemed really bad. On the upside, I got to spend lots of time with my 22-month old niece, and my 8 year old nephew. They’re a blast!
  • For Christmas, Ken got me an Anova Sous Vide Immersion Circulator (a method, becoming somewhat trendy, for cooking).  I kept putting off using it because I couldn’t figure out what recipe to start with. Yep, dumbest reasoning ever. But a few weeks ago I took the plunge and made some Filets, and then a few days later used it to make chicken for chicken parmesan.  OH.My.GOODNESS.  Both meals were SO good. I’m totally hooked now.

  • It was already two weeks ago, but what did you think of the Walking Dead season finale? I thought that was a truly intense episode, and at any given moment, I thought that three characters could have been goners.
  • Ken and I had been watching Better Call Saul since it first aired in early February. I think that has been a truly fantastic show and I can’t wait for the second season.
  • For the third time in five months, a third credit card of ours has been compromised. Crazy! But I am thankful that the credit card companies stay on top of things and disable the cards when they see odd purchases.

Have a good weekend!

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